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Matthew Edwards
Matthew Edwards

Contexts 3.5.3

The PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT protocol configures the context for certvalidation and hostname verification. verify_mode isset to CERT_REQUIRED and check_hostname is setto True. All other protocols create SSL contexts with insecure defaults.

Contexts 3.5.3


MessageContext is the super interface for all JAX-WS message contexts. It extends Map with additional methods and constants to manage a set of properties that enable handlers in a handler chain to share processing related state. For example, a handler may use the put method to insert a property in the message context that one or more other handlers in the handler chain may subsequently obtain via the get method.

As written in the title, I've started migrating liquibase from 3.5.3 version to the 4.8.0and when I start migration, instead of updating md5sum column of databasechangelog table for those 3.5.3 entries to the new checksum value it is updated to NULL and never recalculated. For such a migration i am calling Java Liquibase#update(Contexts contexts, LabelExpression labelExpression) method, and underlying database that I am using is postgreSQL. No error is thrown, it's just md5sum column being overriden with NULL value.New migrations are getting correct md5sum value, looking somthing like 8:92a9dbde7a04a1d2ee1aec16beaf0d6b.Is anyone else having similar issue? Found this, but even when I updated my liquibase-core library to version 4.9.0, I was having the same problem

To display the web contexts that have been deployed, execute the application-info command as in the following. It displays all information about the web contexts. For more information about the application-info command, refer to JEUS Reference Book. " application-info".

To use thread pools provided by JEUS when web contexts are processing asynchronous requests, the relevant information needs to be configured in the element of jeus-web-dd.xml. After configuring the element, asynchronous thread pool information can be monitored.

Population aging has become a crucial problem in China. Recently, the Chinese government has adopted many strategies and policies to solve this problem and improve the quality of life of older individuals. The present study aimed to examine the effect of physical health on quality of life among older individuals in the context of Chinese culture and explore the potential mediating roles of positive cognition and negative emotions in the association between physical health and quality of life. Data were from the wave of 2017-2018 of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey. Data on physical health, quality of life, positive cognition, and negative emotions of 15,874 older people were included in the present study. Pathway analysis was conducted by using IBM SPSS AMOS 21.0, and double verified using PROCESS Macro for SPSS 3.5.3. Results showed that physical health was positively associated with quality of life among older individuals in the context of Chinese culture. The effect size was small to moderate. Positive cognition and negative emotions independently and serially mediated the linkage of physical health and quality of life. These findings provided empirical evidence for the activating event-belief-consequence theory of emotion and hierarchy of needs theory and indicated that Chinese older people focused more on physical health rather than mental health. Practitioners could teach older individuals strategies of emotion regulation and cognitive appraisal to improve the quality of life of older individuals.

In addition to offering different perspectives on a zone's data, contexts allow two or more agents toregister as a provider of the same object type within a zone. This may lead to future solutions built aroundcontexts; for example, to better define how systems that publish similar objects cooperate in the same zone(e.g. student information systems and special education packages).

Contexts also make it easier to apply adifferent set of business rules to different audiences.Unlike zones, which can be named and assembled in a variety of ways at the discretion of system integrators,contexts are named in the Specification and are therefore part of the specification. The SIF Association sanctions contextsand provides documentation that defines each context's purpose and any associatedmessage choreographies and business rules for it. Contexts defined by the SIF Association have context names that begin withSIF_ and the default context for a zone is named SIF_Default. It is RECOMMENDED that all ZIS implementations support the SIF Association-defined contextsas they are introduced; support for user-defined contexts is strictly implementation dependent, and agents are discouragedfrom relying on ad hoc or user-defined contexts.

Zone Integration Servers MUST maintain a registry of the contexts used in each zone in order to perform contextual message routing and to populate the SIF_ZoneStatus/SIF_Contexts element. This registry will always contain, at a minimum, the official list of contexts defined by the version of SIF that the ZIS supports. Beginning with SIF Implementation Specification 2.0, each zone will, at a minimum, support the SIF_Default context. A ZIS MAY allow additional contexts to be defined within the context registry at the discretion of the ZIS administrator.

An agent can obtain a list of all contexts currently defined in a zone by requesting the SIF_ZoneStatus object and enumerating the children of its SIF_Contexts element. An agent can determine its ACL permissions within the zone and each context by referring to the SIF_AgentACL object and enumerating the permissions and contexts defined within it.

Changes from the previous, December 2001version of [XBRL 2.1] (and the interim 2.0a "patch" release in November 2002) weredriven by two factors. Several implementations of XML Schema required theremoval of an ambiguous content model from the definition of contexts. This wasdone without changing the language recognised by the schema. Further implementationexperience within the XBRL community, including the publication of the XBRLGeneral Ledger taxonomy, motivated many other changes. A number of businessrequirements documented by the XBRL International Domain working group havebeen incorporated.

Locators MAY contain titles. Titlechildren of locators MUST conform to the same restrictions applying to titlechildren of Extended Links. See Section for details.

The @xlink:label attribute on a resource identifies theresource so that Arcs in the same Extended Link can reference it. The @xlink:label attribute on resources conforms to the same requirements applyingto the @xlink:label attribute on Locators. See Section for details. Severalresources in an extended link MAY have the same label.

The @id attribute MAY occur on allresources in XBRL Extended Links. The value of the @id attribute MUST conform to the[XML] rules for attributes with the ID type ( -xml#NT-TokenizedType).The @idattribute identifies the resource so that it may be referenced by locators in otherextended links for the purposes of Arc prohibition (see Section

Arcs MAY contain titles. Title childrenof arcs MUST conform to the same restrictions applying to title children ofExtended Links. See Section for details.

A prohibiting arc is an Arc thatrepresents a prohibiting relationship or a set of prohibiting relationships. Aprohibiting relationship is a relationship that negates another relationship.An overriding arc is an arc that represents an overriding relationship or a setof overriding relationships. An overriding relationship is a relationship thatsupersedes another relationship. Prohibition and overriding are relevant whendetermining the relationships in a network of relationships represented in aDTS (see Section

use="optional" indicates that the Arc represents a relationship or set of relationships thatMAY participate in a network of relationships represented by arcs in a DTS (see Section for details on networks of relationships in a DTS). This isthe default value that MUST be inferred for the @use attribute if the @use attribute is notspecified.

use="prohibited"indicates that this Arc represents arelationship or set of relationships that prohibit themselves and otherequivalent relationships from participating in a network of relationshipsrepresented by arcs in a DTS (see Section for details onrelationship equivalency). Such relationships are referred to asprohibiting relationships.

All items MUST have a context. AllTuples MUST NOT have a context. Items identify their contexts using the @contextRefattribute. The @contextRef attribute is used to identify the element that is associatedwith the item on which the @contextRef attribute occurs.

Example: Tuples associate Concepts that cannot be understood independently and repeat within an XBRL Instance. Multiple occurrences of a tuple within an XBRL instance are distinguished by having different content and contexts.

The element is an extendedlink. Its generic syntax is documented in Section 3.5.3. It contains Locators,resources and arcs that describe irregular relationships between facts in anXBRL Instance.

elements MUST NOT contain Locators that are not elements. elements aredocumented in detail in Section The element, when used in a , MUST onlypoint to items or Tuples in the same XBRL Instance that contains the element itself.

The element is the only resourceallowed in elements. Generic resources are documented in detail in Section The content of footnote resources is restricted relative to generic resources.Specifically, footnote resources MAY have mixed content containing a simple string, or afragment of XHTML or a mixture of both. 350c69d7ab


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