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Matthew Edwards
Matthew Edwards

Mature Man With Teen

Abbas Q. Yasin got off the bus about 7 p.m. March 17 and was followed by the teen, who punched him and caused him to fall to the ground in the 3000 block of N. Sherman Blvd., according to Milwaukee police.

mature man with teen

Officers were able to speak with both suspects using an out of state cell phone number. After about 10 conversations, police convinced the girl and her boyfriend to come in for an interview, police said.

A 16-year-old boy has been booked on suspicion of accessory to murder and a probation violation. A 15-year-old boy has been booked on suspicion of second-degree murder and use of a weapon to commit a felony. And two 13-year-old girls were booked on suspicion of accessory to murder and tampering with evidence.

According to Mission Local, it was a group of seven to 10 boys who were involved, and who started an argument with the man outside his home. Reportedly, the man tried to get back through the gate to his apartment building, and one the boys punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground.

TR (ANNC): And now. From the hushed reading room of the Herndon County Library. We bring you: Ruth Harrison, Reference Librarian. (THEME)FN (TEEN): Can I go home now Miss Harrison? It's Christmas Eve. Please? I told my mom I'd be home for supper. SS: Oh for heaven's sake, Kent. FN (TEEN): It's Christmas Eve--SS: Oh all right -- go if you must. Just make sure you come back that much earlier on Wednesday. FN (TEEN): Totally Miss Harrison-thanks a lot. Bye! Merry Christmas! (FOOTSTEPS OUT, DOOR OPENS, CLOSES)SS: (SIGH) Oh dear. Well, there he goes. Off to celebrate his ridiculous little Christmas. Guess I'll do some reshelving-- (CAROLERS OFF: Joy to the world, the lord has come, let earth receive its king. Let every heart prepare him room....) Now what in the world is that? (FOOTSTEPS, DOOR OPENS, CAROLERS: And heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and heaven and nature sing.) Oh for goodness sakes, do you not see the sign? This is a library, people! That means quiet! Quiet! (DOOR SLAMS). My goodness. Some people just think that everybody wants what they're selling. Well guess what? I prefer peace and quiet. Just me, and my books --(HUMMING) let's see here...ah, Charles Dickens. I love Dickens. Especially "Bleak House"-- (GROANING OFF, LIMPING, DRAGGING HEAVY OBJECTS, APPROACHING) What in the world? -- Is somebody there? Hello? Hello? -- (SHE OPENS DOOR, GASPS) TR ( (OLD MAN): Ruth-Ruth Harrison. Look at me. SS: Why-it's -- my old boss, Jack Marley. Rising from the reference section!TR ( (OLD MAN): Ruth Harrison. I bring a message-SS: Jack-- why are all those books chained to your body? TR (OLD MAN): These are the books I meant to read in life, but did not have time--ohhhhhhhhhhh.SS: But Jack'you were a good man--TR ( (OLD MAN): I spent my life reading reference books. Memorizing facts. So I could know everything. And now I find that I know nothing.......ohhhhhhhhh. SS: Why have you come here? TR ( (OLD MAN): I have come to warn you to change your ways. You need to get out-- experience joy -- love -- give of yourself-- SS: But I'm extremely busy here in the library.TR (OLD MAN): Too busy to live, Ruth? Too busy to love? I come as a warning. Beware. You will be visited by three spirits, Ruth. Not counting me. Counting me that would be four. So three more besides me. For a total of four. And now I must go. (POOF, A BEAT, CLOCK TICKS)SS: My goodness. What did I eat for lunch? Just a turkey sandwich, I think. Well. Maybe the mustard was bad. (4 CLOCK CHIMES) My goodness. Closing time already? (THUNDER, POOF)FN (GHOST): Merry Christmas, Ruth. Do you remember when you were merry? I do. (HE CHORTLES) SS: Are you the spirit whose coming has been foretold to me? FN (GHOST): The very one. I'm the spirit of Your Beautiful Youth, Ruth. Remember college? Do you? Do you remember this party, Ruth? (PARTY ATMOSPHERE, MUSIC) It was right before graduation. At the Library Club party. At the Fuzzybutts. SS: Oh, the Fuzzibutts. They were always so happy, weren't they-oh dear-there I am in those red boots-- (LAUGHTER OFF, CLINKING OF GLASSES, WHOOPS). And I'm dancing. And my hair is all undone. FN (GHOST): You were happy. You loved to sing back then. You sang in a choir. You talked about getting a dog. SS: I had forgotten all about that. FN (GHOST): You were 24, Ruth, full of fun. You cooked, you danced, you were fluent in Italian. And look who approaches you--SS: Why-- it's Ricardo Provolone....FN (GHOST): He was in love with you. TR (ITALIAN, PASSIONATE, POETIC) SS (YOUNG RUTH): Oh Ricardo -- not now-- TRITALIAN, PASSIONATE) SS (YOUNG RUTH): I'm sorry-- I have a job offer in Herndon County, Ricardo. TRITALIAN, PLEADING, INCL "HERNDON COUNTY")SS (YOUNG RUTH): I don't know-- I have to go-- write me a letter, okay? --Keep in touch. (MINOR CHORDS, CHILL) FN (GHOST): And he never did. You never heard from him again. SS: I was a fool--FN (GHOST): You gave up dancing and you listened to news and information programming on radio. And you married your card catalogue. SS: You're right....FN (GHOST, SINGS): There was a time when you were young and free/ And you would laugh and you would dance with me/ The lights were bubbling on the Christmas tree/ I wish those days would come again......SS: No no-please-it's too painful-I can't bear it-stop! Go away! Leave me alone!!!! (POOF, CLOCK TICKS) Well. That was a close one. (CLOCK CHIMES FIVE) Now if I can just get back to work-just for another half an hour-(SPARKLE, POOF)TR (BUSH): Ruth Harrison. SS: Oh dear. TR (BUSH): I'm the ghost of the present time. I represent things that are, but that should not be. SS: Well. Don't we know that. TR (BUSH): Your intern -- what's his name-- Brent or Trent--SS: Kent. TR (BUSH): He doesn't have enough money in his pocket to even buy a crummy poinsettia plant for his mother. His credit card is maxed out and he's got college loans due and his mom got one of those funny mortgages to help him out and now, guess what? The repo man is at the door. Heh heh heh heh. SS: It's not right. TR (BUSH): It's the ownership society. We make choices. Sometimes we make the wrong ones. SS: What can I do to correct my mistakes and make a fresh start and be a better person? (A BEAT)TR (BUSH): You're asking me? Heh heh heh heh. Listen, I do not try to tell other people what to think. That's why people like me. I am a no-fault president. Whatever. SS: Well there is a right and a wrong way-TR (BUSH): You know something? I just find that annoying. SS: Why Mr. President-TR (BUSH): Go get some help. Anyway I'm outta here. And don't be sending me any overdue notices either, 'cause I am the Decider and I don't have to pay 'em. (POOF, CLOCK TICKS, A BEAT) SS: Heavens, what a strange day. Maybe I should go home and sleep it off. Although there's still so much work to do. (THUNDER, CONCRETE SLAB MOVES TO THE SIDE) Goodness sakes, what's happening? (SCARY CHORD) GK: (GROANS) SS: Why it's another ghost. A scary one. With a hood and bony fingers. And he's pointing over there-- what is it? (SHE GASPS) Why it's a bronze plaque. (FOOTSTEPS) What does it say? (GASP) "Ruth Harrison, Born 1955--Withdrawn 2008." Oh no! And here someone has written on the plaque in crayon, "Old Hatchet Face". No. Speak to me, Spirit! Tell me this is not to be! (GK MOAN) Please-what can I do? Tell me what to do-- (ECHOES Tell me what to do.....tell me what to do......

The last of the shootings at 1:56 a.m. claimed the life of a 15-year-old boy. Police said the teen was walking with friends in the 2000 block of Foothill Boulevard near San Antonio Park when someone in a vehicle shot at them.

Anderson had been in a street fight with two other people when the alleged victim attempted to break it up, according to information from the warrant affidavit. In response, the victim told investigators that Anderson threw a rock at her, hitting her in the ankle.

On Dec. 23, 2014, Anderson was arrested and charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a firearm and carrying a concealed weapon. Anderson, then 16 years old, stopped attending the Horizons Academy alternative school that same month.

According to court documents, on Dec. 2 Anderson had gone to the Citrus Meadows Apartment community with another teen so he could borrow money from a girl, the other teen told police. Knowing that they could run into people that they had personal issues with, the other teen said Anderson had borrowed a gun from someone else in Citrus Meadows.

More than 100 people sat shoulder-to-shoulder Wednesday night in the sweaty sanctuary of the Suquamish United Church of Christ to make sure the state heard their opinion on the ownership of Old Man House State Park. The State Parks and Recreation Commission is considering a controversial proposal by the Suquamish Tribe to take over the park, which was once the site of a Suquamish longhouse as well as the home of the legendary Chief Sealth. At the heart of the debate is the issue of trust. Those supporting tribal ownership trust the tribe to maintain the park as a cultural treasure and keep it open to the public. Those opposing ownership fear that they will lose control over the park if it leaves state hands and that the tribe will limit public access or allow it to fall into disrepair. Why are they so afraid of the tribe? asked Poulsbo resident Trish Merritt, who supports the tribe. The tribe has proven itself more than once. Not so, argued a group of women who live in homes neighboring the 1-acre park. They dont take care of their own property, like their teen center, said one woman, who was afraid to give her name for fear of retribution from the tribe. She added that she was worried about parking overflow into her neighborhood. The women brought a sign to the meeting with the words Freedom of Speech inscribed in a circle, then crossed out. They were upset about the unorthodox format of the meeting, which did not allow verbal comment, only written comments that were submitted on yellow sticky notes and read aloud by parks staff. Parks staff said it allowed them to collect more comments as well as assure a respectful atmosphere. They recorded 250 comments from the last public meeting, which was held June 1 in Seattle. For Suquamish Tribe members, its a matter of historical perspective. After all the land they took, they should be able to return one acre, said Suquamish member Ed Carriere, whose ancestors lived in the longhouse on the site. About the only thing the two sides can agree on is that the issue has divided the small village of Suquamish. It has really pitted neighbor against neighbor, said Suquamish resident Peggy Lien, an opponent of tribal ownership. Carole Ann Norton supports the tribe but is saddened by the effect of the debate on the community. Like so many other things in the world today people are having a hard time finding a middle ground and respecting each other, said the Poulsbo resident who is a member of the Suquamish United Church of Christ. Many audience members were from Suquamish, but they were joined by people from all over the county as well as Seattle. The state has never transferred a park to tribal ownership, though it has transferred parks to public entities. The parks staff will make a final recommendation on the park by August. The commission will take public comment until early August and interested parties will have one last opportunity to make a verbal comment at the next commissioners meeting Aug. 12 in Port Angeles, where the state is expected to make its decision. Reach reporter Susie L. Oh (360) 792-9205 or at 041b061a72


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